Off on a camping trip these holidays?

Camping trips during the holidays are an Australian way of life.

Here are our friendly reminders to ensure everyone has an amazing time….

Whether you are camping in swags, tents, trailers or vans, it is no secret that packing for a trip away is a big job. 

First things first…write a list. I mean, of course you need to pack something to sleep in, eat in and sometimes shit in. But there is all the small things. The cutlery, crockery, bbq wipes, tongs, first aid kit, bug repellant, sun cream, torches, linen, stubby coolers and more. Whilst we do know you can camp without all of the above, it sure does make your experience so much better if you do pack accordingly. 

We usually allow for a full day to pack for a decent trip away. Last minute packing will almost always guarantee you forget a few important things. We’ve learnt this the hard way, and now will always allow enough time to get it right. 

Holiday time can induce a lot of stress and anxiety in people, and whilst its understandable to be excited and in a hurry to reach your destination and set-up, it’s also not a big deal if you arrive 30 minutes later than you had planned. Drive with respect and with patience and don’t make rash decisions in the heat of the moment, such as overtaking and swapping lanes.  Play some nice chilled music, or listen to a positive podcast, and enjoy the journey.

We’ve also learnt that travelling super early in the morning, like 4am, or even later at night will help avoid the crazy holiday traffic.

If you’re an experienced camper, you will probably have been to a campsite that has you all squeezed in like sardines during holiday times.  This can certainly raise the blood pressure when you arrive. The majority of managed camp sites and caravan parks will have each site marked out, and it is crucial that everyone sets up within their designated area, otherwise it can cause a domino effect and other campers will be left with a smaller site. This also apply’s to where you park your car or leave your bikes. Keep within your site only, and every one will be happy campers. 


During your stay, here are five things to consider: 


  1. Whilst we know it can be hard in the mornings, please ensure your kids are quiet until atleast 7am, or even 8am if you can. A lot of kids are early risers, however a lot of other campers are not, especially when they are on holidays. Be respectful of your neighbours. If your kids do wake super early, perhaps take them to the beach or park until a reasonable hour. 
  2. Happy hour is every hour when camping, therefore the festivities can often carry on in to the night. Most managed campgrounds have a noise curfew of 10pm. 
  3. Walking though other people’s campsites (who you don’t know) is a big no no, please take the extra 8 seconds and walk around. 
  4. Clean amenities can really influence a camping experience, so please ensure you leave public bathrooms clean. Speak to management if they require another daily clean. 
  5. Laundry - please make note of the time your washing loads and dryer loads are due to finish, and once complete, take your items out straight away. Leaving your items in the machines for hours on end is really selfish. Especially in peak times when there is a lot of people waiting to use the machines. 


There are of course campgrounds that are just huge pieces of land and you can park up anywhere, for example some Hipcamp properties, or large Cattle Stations. If you choose to stay at one of these,  please remember to not camp too close to others. Find your own quiet space and enjoy the serenity, as others wish to do so too. 

There is certainly an appeal to finding a remote, no frills campsite where there’s barely anyone else around, and there is definitely more freedom to be had in these kinds of places. If you don’t like too many rules + regs, then you’ll most probably have a better time in a remote location. Also check out the Wikicamps app or local National Park websites and see what you can find. 

Camping holidays are some of the best times you can have, and the memories made are simply priceless. For us, we are completely in our element when exploring different parts of Australia, living amongst nature, and cherishing quality time with friends and family. Of course it doesn’t always go smoothly, but if you can laugh it off, it’s so worth it. 

Camp, Fish + Explore more!